Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sitting on the fence

Today, I sat outside QUT at the Garden's Point Campus in the city. Looking at the students walking past me smiling and chatting with their friends brought back memories of my own personal experience when I was studying in Uni. But I couldn't forget the times that I struggled to meet deadlines of assignments, staying till late at night in uni and the preparation of exams, eventhough, I could remember that I didn't put a lot of effort into studying when I am suppose to (I'm a last minute person). Maybe this is just me. I just couldn't put my concentration into studying or studying is just not for me. Come to think of it, if I could turn back time, I would probably enjoy uni more now. But thinking of going back to uni to study again scares me too. Because, if things don't go well, I might need to go back to uni to do Masters. Now I feel like im sitting on a fence as I couldn't choose which side of the fence I want to get off and land in. But I do know, either sides will have challenges that I have to go through in order to reach my goal.

In order to reach my goals either ways, I have to change. I cannot expect people to change for me as its not their problem that I'm like this. I just have to pick myself up and crawl my way through the mess that I have caused. I could only blame myself for not waking up early enough to realize all of this. In the end, I will have to thank all the people who supported me and wake me up from my childish doings. From now onwards, I will earn heaps of money and use my time to the fullest as I have really realize now, life is really too short to sit around waiting for things to happen. When you want to do something, don't dream, take action and your dream will come true. I have got to go back to studying for my exam will be back tomorrow. Cheers.

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