Friday, September 7, 2007

WhAt i Did~~

WeLL, yesterday i brought my lappy to uni ...i was waitting for "MY FRIEND" (she shud feel the sting.)to on9...but never appear!! Grrr....well.. thn i have to carry my lappy wherever i went~~so heavy!! haihz..althou its small...its so heavy!! (o isit tat im just lazy?) maybe~~ xP I went to submit resume today to some shops and cafe...but i think the possibility of getting the job is quite low~well..if i start working..thn i wnt have much time to on9 n blog n chat..which is quite sad ..T__T. But think on the bright extra cash to use!! ^^ but i cant use the internet access to the fullest will be a waste thou~~cos im paying AUD 30 per mth for 2Gb of internet access per week (not including the phone line). i dont like to waste~~ so i would usually use it to the max!! ^^
I came home quite late last nite~~so did some simple cooking~~had beef steak~~ xP
simply cook de...looks good ma??YummY YummY steak~~>.<"
special shaped strawberry~~looks like a big nose!! ^^
Today, i went to the campus near the city for class. Then went to the city to submit a resume again...after tat an ice-cream from Hungry Jack for Aud o.40!! (very cheap!!) On the way walking home~~i was with my friend...n saw~~~
SOooo BeaUtiFuL!!! xP (Street flowers)
This is a closer up view~ ^^
Same species but different colour...which is nicer??
Me n the "Lu Shan De Ye Hua" xP
The flower has no smell~~ ='(
This is mY new PreTty friend!! Same Course As Near Me also ..^^ Lucky leh~~

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