Sunday, September 30, 2007


For the last few weeks, i had exams to study and make-up to and was very lazy~~Since i have taken quite a few pictures to show~ I might as well blog!! =P.These pictures are taken on the 28th of August 2007. Its taken at the Brisbane River (the bridge there) during the night, when it is said that there will be the red moon!! And We REALLY see the RED MOON!!^^
This is the colour of the moon when we arrived at the river~ Ain't it BeaUtiFuL!
This is when the moon turns red~ (didn't get a close up view like the last one,i wonder why)(?.?)
Me and aMy~ (Don't know why she did that face) O_o
SaLLy, Me AnD AmY! (Say Cheese)
This is table in the library taken 1hr before my LSB182 exam. (I wonder who know what subject is that~)><"
Me~Trying to study. But distracted when taking pictures and started to get vain! xP
Since I'm living alone~ i have done most of my shopping alone too..(very sad eh....) Whatever that i see is nice...then i will start considering...whether i should buy or not~=PThere is this time i bought a small box of strawberries for the second time~(cos its on special price), the taste of it is...........(">.<") (<------like that, very sour). With the website my friend gave me~~ i tried to do a strawberry salad! but to disappointment~ most of the salads...i don't have the ingredients. Finally, i came up with a solution!! MY OWN salad menu! With really simple ingredients!
This is the picture before mixing the salad.
This is after mixing the salad~ Does it Look YummY? It does Taste Good, for me. ^^
This is taken in the library, planning to study for the practical exam on Friday!Does look like a very hardworking table right?xD
Last Week, after the semester-break starts, i was looking everywhere for jobs. Then i remember that my friend, Tiki , said he knows a Chinese restaurant who always need people. I decided to give it a try although the pay is low. Its better than sitting at home, not doing anything and lazing around. xD (that is what kind of person i am). And think on the bright side~ I might get to slim down.(^~^) Its on a Saturday, and i got the off-peak ticket and went to the city. There, i realize.. i FORGOT TO BRING MY RESUME. Rushed to the campus in city and quickly print out a resume!*phew*
Its taken before going out to meet my friend, Tiki. (Maybe that is why i forgot my resume)
We went to submit my resume and did a little shopping. I bought a casual shirt(pink in colour) so that i could use it IF i get a job that needs casual shirt. I guess i did bore him a little!! Then we decided to go for dinner~ since i got the off-peak ticket, might as well go to some place new to eat instead of the city! So.. We took the bus to West End (The name of a place: something like chinatown, etc. Not practically West End) Walk around West End, for sometime then finally settle down to a Vietnamese restaurant? to eat~^^Went back to the city, got some dessert and walked to the bus stop.( We are catching the same bus home,he lives nearby.)
Boring at home.....How do i look in glasses??
Can you see the waves in my hair??
Getting vainer these days~~HAHAHA..I still went to sleep-over party at my friends house but i haven't got hold of the pictures yet. And.. the Chinese restaurant asked me to try-out for the work last Thursday. I find the job quite easy, but really confusing when there is a lot of people coming at one time and trying to serve them as fast as possible.@_@.No worries, i know i will get the hang of it in NO TIME!! xD ( Seems very confident, actually very worried). That's all for now~~ it's also very late already~ tomorrow i got a group workshop that i need to attend!! haihz...n the presentation is on this coming Wednesday!! Pray for me ...won't cha~ It's THREE days to go...and... i still don't have much idea what to DO!!

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