Thursday, October 11, 2007

Soi~esT Day In Aus

I will explain when im free....=p

Sunday, September 30, 2007


For the last few weeks, i had exams to study and make-up to and was very lazy~~Since i have taken quite a few pictures to show~ I might as well blog!! =P.These pictures are taken on the 28th of August 2007. Its taken at the Brisbane River (the bridge there) during the night, when it is said that there will be the red moon!! And We REALLY see the RED MOON!!^^
This is the colour of the moon when we arrived at the river~ Ain't it BeaUtiFuL!
This is when the moon turns red~ (didn't get a close up view like the last one,i wonder why)(?.?)
Me and aMy~ (Don't know why she did that face) O_o
SaLLy, Me AnD AmY! (Say Cheese)
This is table in the library taken 1hr before my LSB182 exam. (I wonder who know what subject is that~)><"
Me~Trying to study. But distracted when taking pictures and started to get vain! xP
Since I'm living alone~ i have done most of my shopping alone too..(very sad eh....) Whatever that i see is nice...then i will start considering...whether i should buy or not~=PThere is this time i bought a small box of strawberries for the second time~(cos its on special price), the taste of it is...........(">.<") (<------like that, very sour). With the website my friend gave me~~ i tried to do a strawberry salad! but to disappointment~ most of the salads...i don't have the ingredients. Finally, i came up with a solution!! MY OWN salad menu! With really simple ingredients!
This is the picture before mixing the salad.
This is after mixing the salad~ Does it Look YummY? It does Taste Good, for me. ^^
This is taken in the library, planning to study for the practical exam on Friday!Does look like a very hardworking table right?xD
Last Week, after the semester-break starts, i was looking everywhere for jobs. Then i remember that my friend, Tiki , said he knows a Chinese restaurant who always need people. I decided to give it a try although the pay is low. Its better than sitting at home, not doing anything and lazing around. xD (that is what kind of person i am). And think on the bright side~ I might get to slim down.(^~^) Its on a Saturday, and i got the off-peak ticket and went to the city. There, i realize.. i FORGOT TO BRING MY RESUME. Rushed to the campus in city and quickly print out a resume!*phew*
Its taken before going out to meet my friend, Tiki. (Maybe that is why i forgot my resume)
We went to submit my resume and did a little shopping. I bought a casual shirt(pink in colour) so that i could use it IF i get a job that needs casual shirt. I guess i did bore him a little!! Then we decided to go for dinner~ since i got the off-peak ticket, might as well go to some place new to eat instead of the city! So.. We took the bus to West End (The name of a place: something like chinatown, etc. Not practically West End) Walk around West End, for sometime then finally settle down to a Vietnamese restaurant? to eat~^^Went back to the city, got some dessert and walked to the bus stop.( We are catching the same bus home,he lives nearby.)
Boring at home.....How do i look in glasses??
Can you see the waves in my hair??
Getting vainer these days~~HAHAHA..I still went to sleep-over party at my friends house but i haven't got hold of the pictures yet. And.. the Chinese restaurant asked me to try-out for the work last Thursday. I find the job quite easy, but really confusing when there is a lot of people coming at one time and trying to serve them as fast as possible.@_@.No worries, i know i will get the hang of it in NO TIME!! xD ( Seems very confident, actually very worried). That's all for now~~ it's also very late already~ tomorrow i got a group workshop that i need to attend!! haihz...n the presentation is on this coming Wednesday!! Pray for me ...won't cha~ It's THREE days to go...and... i still don't have much idea what to DO!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

WhAt i Did~~

WeLL, yesterday i brought my lappy to uni ...i was waitting for "MY FRIEND" (she shud feel the sting.)to on9...but never appear!! Grrr....well.. thn i have to carry my lappy wherever i went~~so heavy!! haihz..althou its small...its so heavy!! (o isit tat im just lazy?) maybe~~ xP I went to submit resume today to some shops and cafe...but i think the possibility of getting the job is quite low~well..if i start working..thn i wnt have much time to on9 n blog n chat..which is quite sad ..T__T. But think on the bright extra cash to use!! ^^ but i cant use the internet access to the fullest will be a waste thou~~cos im paying AUD 30 per mth for 2Gb of internet access per week (not including the phone line). i dont like to waste~~ so i would usually use it to the max!! ^^
I came home quite late last nite~~so did some simple cooking~~had beef steak~~ xP
simply cook de...looks good ma??YummY YummY steak~~>.<"
special shaped strawberry~~looks like a big nose!! ^^
Today, i went to the campus near the city for class. Then went to the city to submit a resume again...after tat an ice-cream from Hungry Jack for Aud o.40!! (very cheap!!) On the way walking home~~i was with my friend...n saw~~~
SOooo BeaUtiFuL!!! xP (Street flowers)
This is a closer up view~ ^^
Same species but different colour...which is nicer??
Me n the "Lu Shan De Ye Hua" xP
The flower has no smell~~ ='(
This is mY new PreTty friend!! Same Course As Near Me also ..^^ Lucky leh~~

Monday, September 3, 2007


I am getting fatter & fatter each day~~ and do you want to know why??
Let me show you WHY~~
Taken When I am cooking!! Who can recognizes the chopstick??
One Whole Pot of Pasta!! Just Finish Cooking it!!
This is all i am eating today!!Hopefully~~
Now do u all know why i am getting fatter?? Lazy to cook...and pasta is the easiest to cook!! Esp those in packets!! Well...i used to eat one whole pot of it!! but today i gotta cut it down...><" (because getting fat). *Chomp Chomp* eating while writing this~~
Now i feel so sleepy already. BUT i CANNOT SLEEP!! must not!! because one of my friend "wu gui" said " If u sleep after you eat, it will cause indigestion and the fats that are not broken down will be stored under your skin forever!!" which means you can never get rid of it. T__T

^^ GueSs WhO??

HeY... I'm BacK into blogging!!...But i'm still very lazy to blog!(what am i trying to say??) Things are still very incredible to me ! (^^,) its because i still can't believe that I'm in Brisbane for like almost 60 days already! I wonder who will be missing ME?? Not much people i guess... But i do really appreciate all of the people that come to see me off at the airport! *arigatoo gozaimasu* I miss ya oL very MucH!! and i still can remember vividly the things that happened on that day before boarding the plane. I was fighting in a war, against excess luggage!! (>.<"). Hehehe. And when i was on the plane having a headache, i still can't believe that im on a plane ALONE flying to BRISBANE. =_=" I reach the place where i am suppose to stay for 6 months (on contract, if not i would have moved out by now) at 4am in the morning. I did a little unpacking, fixed my bed, and sleep. I didn't sleep much i think ...because i wake up around 11am plus, then i decided to do some exploring alone I met some one on the way out and decided to ask where can i get a "sim card". They just told me that i need to go to the city to but them. So...I don't know what happen to me. The next thing i know is that i am at the bus stop waiting for the bus. When i got on the bus, the bus driver asked me "single? daily? adult or concession?". (i am at a state which has no idea how the bus systems work in Brisbane and i don't know what does concession means!!) xP. I answered, "Single adult!" (which means i got the more expensive ticket) I reached the city, I was like in Chinese "luan da luan juang" which means something like simply bump here bump there. I was almost lost, and totally have no idea how to go back home. And the best thing to do ASK!! ^^ and.....finally i got home!!<> ^^ Something more interesting happened the next day!! I need to go to a campus near the city, which i don't know where. I planned to walk to the Uni,(which i don't know where) to take the free shuttle bus, which directly goes to the other campus in the city. But on the way, i stopped and asked a guy (from china) if he knows where QUT is and how long will it take to walk there? He said, around 20 - 30 minutes. I was shocked!!! the agent who helped me rented this place said that it will only takes around 10-15 minutes walk to the Uni!! =,=||| I got on the bus with the chinese guy from china,(he is going to the city) and he told me where to get off the bus to go to the Uni... (and i didn't get to know his name~~) =( 5 minutes later, i got off the bus. Back to square 1!! Lost again!! (thinking.."where am i now?? which way i need to take to go to uni??My God!! please help me") Prayers were answered!! ^^ another guy came towards asking me where i am going. *blur blur* "follow me, he said, im going to the same Uni."He explained how he know that i wanted to go uni, its because he overheard my conversation with the china guy. xD *kinda glad that he is willing to help me out* On the very same day, i get to know another girl which is also from china. Doing the same course as the same semester and coincidently.... living near where i am staying!! Surprising?? Well...she is my new BF (Best Friend) here.. i still got a few BF widely spread!! ^^ u know who you are!! Other than that... i know the way to walk to Uni already..^^ but it takes around 30 minutes!! Grrr...>.< That misleading website!!! should have sue the website!! Is going to make me suffer for 6 months!! Anyway, can undo what is done....might as well just accept my fate!! In the first place i think it will be ok to take it as an exercise to slim down la... T__T buuutttt...... who knows... Y-Y..... im getting a whole lots of muscles instead!! and looks fatter now...haihzz Things just come and go...6 weeks have passed. Thats when all my assignments WERE due!! That is why im free to write a new blog now!! But there were things that have happened in between also. I think i will just skip all those... if not..i wont be able to finish this blog tonight! ^^ ..well..not alot happened also la... Hm... Recall.. Went to a party for new students ( had 2 drinks), went to my best friend bridging ( had a few drinks)*blur, then Ladies Night (had 2 drinks)*no effect, lost my malaysia IC, then found it back, went to CCM ( christian campus movement)* get to know alot of new friends<> =P Well well... the latest news is that...last night i went to the city!! there is a festival going on..which is called the Brisbane River Festival i think...i have taken some really lovely pictures!!....well at least i think they are really nice la... you see then u tell me nice o not!! Ok!!^^
This have the fireworks into the shape of heart<> xD
Another of the heart shape fireworks!! Just that the lamp post are in the way!! I really like the colour ... It has a very nice purple!!
Just Nice!! This is almost the end of the firework!!
Fireworks behind the casino!!
This is Brisbane Largest Casino.... Nice?? Well...i guess thats all for now, i have got class tomorrow. and its very late already!! I blog again when i have the time!! Cya!! Don't forget to Miss Me Oh!!~^^